Help For Gaza

‘Defenceless’: Gaza survivors decry Israeli attacks

Al Jazeera has spoken to survivors of several Israeli attacks in Gaza. Here’s what they had to say:

Hadeel Mohammed Abdel-Aal says she – “like any woman in the world” – wants nothing but “security and peace”.

“I’m a civilian, I have nothing to do with anything. We’ve seen the worst part of the war, they’ve bombarded our street, they shelled our next door neighbours, and targeted the water tanks,” she told Al Jazeera.

“It is the miracle of all miracles” to still be alive, Abdel-Aal said, standing inside one of Gaza’s remaining hospitals that is still operational.

“We have escaped certain death,” she said.

Similarly, Abu Arar says he and his family are “civilians and defenseless”.

He recalled how an attack on a nearby building destroyed the entire area he lived in.

“No one in the world can force us to leave Gaza. We’ll stay in Gaza, and our children will stay in Gaza,” he said.

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